Begin your healing journey — in community.

Women’s Divorce Support Group

Find comfort and community in a women's divorce support group.

A compassionate space to start rediscovering who you are now.

Divorce happens all the time, but no one believes it will actually happen to them. So when it does, you feel completely unprepared. Suddenly your life looks completely different from how you envisioned it. One day your future seemed clear, and the next it has vanished into a fog.

At first, the shock numbs the pain. You just go into survival mode, tackling logistical needs you forgot you even had — things like a new toothbrush or laundry basket that you took for granted before.

Then the physical act of separating your belongings from your ex makes it feel very real.

This is actually happening.

You're hitting restart on your life.

You have some supportive friends who listen and spend time with you. But eventually they go home to their families, and you go home alone.

For the first time in years, no one is beside you when you go to bed or wake up. The loneliness quickly sets in.

During work you can distract yourself, but returning to an empty home every evening reminds you of how alone you feel. By Friday, you actually dread going home because you know you'll be by yourself all weekend.

You’re looking for a community you can begin to heal in.

Sound like you?

Loneliness and isolation after losing the daily companionship of your spouse.

Rethinking your identity, purpose, and future.

Some friends or family simply don’t understand what you’re feeling.

Craving a sense of community and a small group of women who have stood in your shoes.

Here’s what we’ll do together

Find support in a women's divorce support group. Begin the work of healing and growing.

Divorce can make you feel like the ground is shifting under your feet. Connecting with other women going through a similar experience will give you a safe place to express and process your emotions. Here, you will learn how to manage grief, anger, sadness, and stress.

You may feel like a completely different person post-divorce. You may not be able to relate to who you were during your marriage. That’s normal. Finding your identity outside of being married or divorced is the first step in rebuilding your self-worth.

You’ll start to reflect on your past patterns so that you can make different choices moving forward. The sense of community this group provides will encourage you as you do the hard work to grow and heal.

One of the main group goals includes learning to set boundaries and prioritize your self-care. During these 8 weeks, you’ll develop the confidence and skills to assertively put your well-being first.

You’ll also explore neglected hobbies and discover new passions and interests. You’ll find joy, excitement, and fulfillment on your terms.

Most importantly, this group will inspire hope about your future. By sharing wisdom and finding motivation in other women's stories, you will start to envision the possibilities ahead.

By participating in The women’s divorce support group, you'll start to feel optimistic about coming out on the other side of divorce as a wiser, stronger, and more empowered woman.

Ending the marriage may have been the healthiest decision.

but that doesn’t mean it was an easy one.

The pain and emotional toll of divorce is very real. You need support to process these feelings and begin the next chapter of your life.

What we’ll work on

Imagine a life where…

  • You wake up each morning with a sense of freedom, purpose and peace.

  • You radiate joy, creativity, and a sense of adventure.

  • You enjoy a sense of financial independence and career empowerment.

  • You practice self-compassion regularly and you’ve released regrets from the past.

Healing and growth are possible with a women’s divorce support group. Join us.



  • If this is your situation, I am happy to write you a medical leave note so that you can miss work to attend the group. Under most circumstances, your employer is required by law to honor this. You will be involved in the note-writing process. I will write your medical leave note with your privacy in mind.

    Think of this as the first step to prioritizing your self-care and honoring your needs.

    Please contact me for more information about this.

  • This is understandable, and a very common concern about joining a group. Sharing is voluntary, and participants of this divorce support group won’t be pressured at any point. The rate at which different people become comfortable with disclosure varies. You won’t be expected to share until you are ready.

  • Besides being significantly less expensive than individual sessions, here are some advantages of group therapy:

    1. There is so much validation and hope in hearing a group of people in the same boat as you confirm that your experience is normal and you’re not a crazy person.

    2. It is helpful to have a sense of camaraderie in a time characterized by loneliness.

    3. You’ll receive a range of different perspectives and responses to whatever you bring to the table.

  • Getting started is easy. Contact me today to reserve your spot in the next group cohort.